After researching on the official Scientology website(1), after watching the video that says Scientology is about helping people, I have come to the conclusion that Scientology is not a religion in my own opinion, it focuses mainly on Hollywood hipsters. You don’t really have to be in a religion to follow the morals of this group, or helping people out.
You shouldn’t have to pay such an excessive amount of money to get to a higher rank, this is capitalism at its best. ‘$128,000 to reach Clear, another $33,000 to reach OT III, and an additional $100,000 to $130,000 to reach OT VIII, which is the highest level currently available.' It focuses mainly on the middle class and is out of reach to normal people, this shows that this religion is elitist. It has also not been given legal statuses as a religion in the UK because of how much you have to pay.
Where does this money even go to?
‘Ruined lives. Lost fortunes. Federal crimes. Scientology poses as a religion but really is a ruthless global scam -- and aiming for the mainstream’ - Richard Behar. I do agree that you should not have to pay for being in a religion, religion is something you put faith into, not money. Marxist would argue that this is just a way in gaining more money and is a religion for the upperclasses, you never hear stories about working class scientologists, unless they are people who have escaped the religion and have lost everything.
What is Scientology?
Most of us only think about the bad points, about it being a cult and aliens coming to Earth, but many of us don’t actually know the basics of Scientology and have many misconception. Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being(2)
In the media we're always hearing bad things about this religion, such as it being a cult more than a religion. So is there a good side to Scientology? So even though there are all these bad things about Scientology, they have still helped out a lot of people, such as going out helping soliders(Which I may add, can be done outside of any religion). In one case specifically, Scientology helped one woman overcome her sons death. (3)
“In Scientology, we have what’s called “auditing,” and that helps you to address things in your life and to strip them away,”
"Also, it helps rid the mind of painful experience completely. Through that, the people at my church literally held my hand and got me through… I will forever be indebted.”
A few famous people in Scientology
Feminism and Scientology...
So, I'm not a big fan of feminists (They'd probably hate me) However I'm sure they'd hate Scientology more. Some feminists may argue that some women following Scientolgy are opressed because of having to give birth in silence or not being able to climb the ranks of the Sea Org and have children. This can be seen as having discrimination against women.
Overall, of Scientology wants to be more accepted in society, they need to be more open to people in society about the content of their religion and stop chasing people around. This can be seen in 'Scientology and me' a documentary created by the BBC. Overall it helps some people in society and offer charity to people that need it.
Good day to you kind sirs!
Heather and Lucy